For First Things
Many can claim the experience of reading each month's issue "back to front," beginning with "The Public Square," -- Fr. Neuhaus' insightful, clever (and sometimes a tad snarky) commentary on matters literary, political, and theological. Fr. Neuhaus would ultimately take up blogging at First Things' aptly titled "On The Square. On occasion, however, he would also contribute regular articles to the journal he founded.
- The Pro-Life Movement as the Politics of the 1960s January 2009.
- What Really Happened at Vatican II [Review of John W. O'Malley's What Happened at Vatican II and Vatican II: Renewal Within Tradition, edited by Matthew Lamb and Matthew Levering]. October 2008.
- Benedict in America August/September 2008.
- True Devotion to Mary December 2007.
- The Politics of Bioethics November 2007.
- The Much Exaggerated Death of Europe May 2007.
- A University of a Particular Kind April 2007.
- Metaphysical America [Review of A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion, by Catherine L. Albanese]. March 2007.
- Our American Babylon December 2005.
- The New Orleans that Was November 2005.
- The New Europes October 2005.
- Santayana Lately Revisited [Review of Santayana: A Biography, by John McCormick]. February 2005.
- The Naked Public Square Now [Symposium with Stanley Hauerwas - Mary Ann Glendon - Harvey Cox - Alan Mittleman - Andrew Murphy - Jean Bethke Elshtain - Ralph C. Wood - Allen D. Hertzke - David Novak - Wilfred M. McClay]. November 2004.
Kierkegaard for Grownups October 2004.
- The Sounds of Religion in Time of War May 2003.
- The Catholic Center April 2003.
- Dostoevsky and the Fiery Word March 2003.
- The Persistence of the Catholic Moment February 2003.
- Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. October 2002.
- How I Became the Catholic that I was April 2002.
- "Salvation is From the Jews" November 2001.
- The End of Endings August/September 2001.
"Father, Forgive Them" March 2000. [Excerpted from his book Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross].
- Born Toward Dying February 2000.
- The Idea of Moral Progress August/September 1999.
- C.S. Lewis in the Public Square December 1998.
- The Cuban Revolutions [On Pope John Paul II's apostolic visitation to Cuba] May 1998.
- Christ and Creation's Longing December 1997.
- The Liberalism of John Paul II May 1997.
- Ralph Reed's Real Agenda [Review of Active Faith: How Christians Are Changing the Soul of American Politics] October 1996.
- Daniel Goldhagen's Holocaust [Review of Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust ] August/September 1996.
- Why We Can Get Along [Reply to Stanley Fish' Why We Can’t All Just Get Along]. February 1996.
- The Christian University: Eleven Theses January 1996.
- Poland: Reflections on a New World February 1994.
- The Splendor of Truth: A Symposium [with Russell Hittinger, L. Gregory Jones, David Burrell, Stanley Hauerwas, Robert P. George, and Hadley Arkes]. January 1994.
- A New Order of Religious Freedom February 1992.
- Can Atheists be Good Citizens? August/September 1991.
- Pacifism, Just War and the Gulf [Exchange with Stanley Hauerwas] May 1991.
- Joshing Richard Rorty December 1990.
- Wealth and Whimsy: On Economic Creativity August/September 1990.
- Why Wait for the Kingdom? The Theonomist Temptation May 1990.
- The Way They Were, The Way We Are: Bioethics and the Holocaust March 1990.
- The Catholic Reform II, etc. First Things June / July 2004.
- The Catholic Reform. First Things 143 (May 2004): 59-76.
- The Bishops Get Their Report Card. First Things 141 (March 2004): 55-73.
- The Bishops In Charge First Things 129 (January 2003): 71-92.
- Scandal Time III. First Things 125 (August/September 2002): 85-108.
- Scandal Time (Continued). First Things 124 (June/July 2002): 75-100.
- Scandal Time. First Things 122 (April 2002): 61-84.
Other Sources
- To Propose the Truth: The "Catholic Moment" Requires Five Transformations. Essay adapted from the keynote address to the Pope John Center Workshop for Bishops, given in Dallas on January 31, 1994. Reprinted in Crisis Magazine, April 1994.